ways to dress up a hot dog...japanese style. from the nippon ham company.
nippon ham company - winny crafts
on the new baby front, my little girl is so tiny. about 4 lbs. or so. like a little doll. and she always has a little smile on her face, even though most people would say babies can't smile at 1 month.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
haven't posted here in a while...
here's why...
on the 18th went into the hospital for some labor pains...sent me home to rest and drink lots of fluids...
on the 22nd mucus plug fell out, bloody show, no contractions felt, and dilated 1.5 cm. observed and sent home. went to stay at parents' house with hardly any access to internet. doc wanted me to bed rest.
the 25th, merry christmas ensued.
on the 28th, some large clots and bloody show did not subside...doc told me to go the hospital. observed...dilated some more to 2-3 cm. told doctor abdomen harden. doc tells me i'm going through contractions, but not feeling the pain. doc makes me stay in...dilated some more to 4 cm and bag of waters is poking out. doc decides to induce the birth and give pitocin. felt the contractions intensify then. asked for epidural. my husband was a wonderful coach and helped me stay calm and relaxed. the rest...

we spent most of the holiday season going back and forth from home to the hospital. my son and i ended up with some terrible cold. got over it, but missed our little girl terribly.
on the 15th of jan, the nurses at NICU told me Button could come home and that they were telling me that they had called. my cell phone had been out of commission for about a few weeks. i thought that they were joking...but no, she was going home the following day.
she came home on 16th @ 3pm...
all in all she's doing well and at home now after spending 10 days in the NICU.
here's why...
on the 18th went into the hospital for some labor pains...sent me home to rest and drink lots of fluids...
on the 22nd mucus plug fell out, bloody show, no contractions felt, and dilated 1.5 cm. observed and sent home. went to stay at parents' house with hardly any access to internet. doc wanted me to bed rest.
the 25th, merry christmas ensued.
on the 28th, some large clots and bloody show did not subside...doc told me to go the hospital. observed...dilated some more to 2-3 cm. told doctor abdomen harden. doc tells me i'm going through contractions, but not feeling the pain. doc makes me stay in...dilated some more to 4 cm and bag of waters is poking out. doc decides to induce the birth and give pitocin. felt the contractions intensify then. asked for epidural. my husband was a wonderful coach and helped me stay calm and relaxed. the rest...
On 12.28.2005:
Our little Button was born @ 845pm, 3 lbs. 12 oz.
Too early, but still beautiful. As cute as a button, but a fighter...just like her brother born at 33 weeks gestation. Please help us to support the March of Dimes to help babies like Button and Boo-boo who were born before they were really ready. Thanks. God Bless and We love you all.
we spent most of the holiday season going back and forth from home to the hospital. my son and i ended up with some terrible cold. got over it, but missed our little girl terribly.
on the 15th of jan, the nurses at NICU told me Button could come home and that they were telling me that they had called. my cell phone had been out of commission for about a few weeks. i thought that they were joking...but no, she was going home the following day.
she came home on 16th @ 3pm...
all in all she's doing well and at home now after spending 10 days in the NICU.
Monday, January 16, 2006
*very sad and upset*
this article about someone leaving their newborn in a garbage can at a fast food place, that i visit when i see my parents.
if you don't want your child, please just take them to the hospital or fire station...do not just leave the poor thing to die of exposure. that's a really sad way to go.
this article about someone leaving their newborn in a garbage can at a fast food place, that i visit when i see my parents.
if you don't want your child, please just take them to the hospital or fire station...do not just leave the poor thing to die of exposure. that's a really sad way to go.
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