Wednesday, July 14, 2004

i slip into consciousness..i often wonder when you walk out of a great dream into your true reality, why does it sucks so bad one day...

..and other days, it's the delight of your life.

sometimes, petty things turn to big things, when they should really be knocked out and left for divides families and word one thought...

i really wish it wasn't that way...

it makes me want to crawl back into bed and not wake up from that great dream, but that's not living is it?

living is changing those bad things into good things...working to achieve the best. i'd rather not walk around with a dark storm cloud over my head and transform my true reality into something i can be proud of.

i can't be afraid...

my unborn child won't let me forget as i look at my burgeoning belly and feel the little movements inside. there's life and there's living.

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