finally found out the gender of the baby!
I am going to be the proud mama of a baby boy! :) this widdle guy is due on october 1st. he's not here just yet!
x-posted in my lj
*note* 08/25/04
**ahem** at the time that i was typing out this entry, i had not realized i was going through contractions. being naive at the time, i had thought that i was going through gas pains brought on by something that i had eaten or drank the night before. i was experiencing front to back cramps i.e. lower abdomen and lower back.
silly me was thinking i was constipated for the first time, so i had been drinking more water and eating fiber bits trying to overcome the "gas" pains. i was doing this on the computer at the time and then getting up to go to the bathroom with no result. i had tried to go back to sleep, but the pain was excruciating. i kept getting up and walking back and forth. i did this all by myself for 3 hrs. i even told my husband i was constipated -- no one the wiser, except for my sister who was getting ready for work who caught me walking down the hallway in pain. she told me to lay down and got my sleeping husband to wake up to the about 6-ish am.
" Dr. C...take her to the hospital!"
He woke up in disbelief, called my OB,and then drove me to the hospital pronto. IT was 7am already. We went to emergency and then the hospital admitted me right away into Labor and Delivery. I was already at 4 cm dilated and having contractions at 2-3 mins apart. the staff had to put me into a delivery room right away, since the baby decided that he wanted to join us sooner than OCT. 1!!! It was a complete jaw-dropping fact for us and everyone we knew! We had fetal and contraction monitors strapped to my belly. Then, the great nurses of L&D with Dr. C had decided to put me on IV and give me antibiotics and something to slow down the contractions from their short intervals to longer ones. When the contractions ebbed down from 2-3 minutes to 4-5, Dr. C then came to rupture my bag of water and let nature take its course. Of course, I asked for pain medication and that lovely epidural. :) i was most comfortable and enjoyed some short naps. My husband always my hero and my strength supported me the entire time helping me with my breathing.
5-6 cm dilated at about 12 pm...then 9-10 finally at 3pm.
And then the labor sister and my mother arrived just in time...
our son, our little boo-boo, was brought into the world at 4 lbs 6 1/2 oz 4pm exactly on 08.21.2004. he was a preemie. so adorable and a fighter, Ian cried in protest as the staff worked on him and me. and we all cried in joy as i held him in my arms.
as of now, we have been visiting boo-boo in the NICU and he is getting stronger day by day...he is growing and maturing.
To everyone who came to visit us at the hospital, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I thank most of all my sister, Jer who helped me follow the signs and the birth and my wonderful husband, dave for his perseverance and patience, and the Almighty for giving us the gift of Ian.
And to my boo-boo, my little angel: keep doing what you are doing, because daddy and i want you home.
HUGS to all and best wishes.
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