Okay, here's the scenario:
You're hungry and you're craving for some spaghetti or some other pasta dish. There's some pasta sauce in your fridge, you look at it...and from what you can tell, visually it looks okay. You look around for the freshness date, but it's been rubbed off. So, okay, you gingerly take it to the stove where a pot eagerly awaits and screw off the lid only to find....A HUGE COLONY OF MOLD IS RESIDING IN THE LID!
Yes, gross. And, it happened to me. I promised myself that instant if I have a premade sauce to use ALL of it the same day or make it from scratch.
And how I wish I knew about these digital day counters from:DaysAgo. The counters tell you how many days since you opened it, closed it, and stored it. The counters are good for other things like reminding you to water that plant sitting on the window sill getting too much light. Pretty neat huh?
To make things easier, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a handy dandy chart of refrigator/freezer storage...also on the daysago site. here's the chart. this chart also answers the age old question of the length of time eggs are fresh.
Anyways,I admit I use the premade stuff out of convenience, since I have two small children and a hungry husband to feed. I prefer classico or bertolli. Or TJ's marinara.
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