origami gift box tutorial at u-handbag!
asking for trouble has cute japanese inspired crafts and also a Tokyo Shopping Guide for all your crafty needs!
good-ness - crafter in japan!
crafty carnival has the cutest little projects, like her "silly girl" and the folk art teddy bear!
Starghan! from the yarn-diva!
portabello pixie has a really cute blog and pattern for ruffled pillows!
cyntergomes' crafty galore lj blog has been on my radar for a long time! her blog inspired me to take up knitting! I want to knit these legwarmers from there!
Pear!, too cute to eat, but not too cute to crochet from amigurumi girl.
beading tutorials by susan beal!
beading simple! and west coast crafty!
another obsession of mine as of late is papercraft!
papergarden boutique's blog!
i received a catalog from papersource and i think i'm going to visit their store in downtown SF sometimes soon!
has anyone tried smilebox? online scrapbooking site. looks interesting.
julianna smith, illustrator and designer has free recipe cards to print out in her online store. her prints are adorable and fun!
free patterns and projects!
wiley crafter, a section of free patterns and projects from Wiley Publishers, the guys who did the For Dummies series, etc.
knit.1 mag has free patterns!
diana's cross-stitch patterns. i like the bee pattern.
garnstudios/drops! check out their knitting patterns!
The OMG pattern of the week!
Ack! It's a RAT...oh, it's Remy from Pixar's Ratatouille! Soulcrochet @ craftster crocheted an